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Edited by Sahiblu

Campaign: Give A Duck

VICE Media Group  |  Integrative Studio 1

What comes to mind when you think about activism?

When the world’s largest independent youth media company came to us with a brief to explore the future of social impact media – one that shares new ideas, connects action-driven initiatives, drives behavior change at scale, and redefines advertising and marketing to youth – we recognized that when it comes to activism, there is no wrong time or way to give a duck.


✹ Research & Insights →

✹ Design Solution →

✹ Full Report →


Spring 2022 with

Michele Kahane

Nina Terrey


Pioneering the Future of Social Impact Media with VICE 


With the rise in youth concerns about meaningful action for issues (such as empowerment of equitable and inclusive societies, planetary wellbeing, etc.), VICE is on a mission to be the leading next-gen media and entertainment platform focused on women and underrepresented voices pushing the status quo in their lives and in the world.


We set out to understand youth’s interpretations, motivations, and hesitations around activism, the dynamics between their real versus digital identities, and the role/influence of media in forming their identity and perceptions to turn future anxiety into hope while sustaining VICE’s relevance. We designed a campaign to position VICE Media as the pioneer in social ‘impact’ media by helping youth formulate and protect their identity around activism. 

Business & Marketing Strategy  |  Hybrid User Research  |  Systems & Analogous Thinking  |  Visual Language

How might VICE help youth formulate & protect their own identity around activism?



✶ Turn anxiety into hope âœ¶ Validate a 'spectrum' of civic engagement âœ¶ Create curiosities âœ¶ A journey, not a destination âœ¶ Intergenerational dialogue 


Empathy and participation at the heart of our research.


We designed our process to dive deep into young people’s motivations, fears, hopes, and experiences. We also immersed ourselves in VICE’s vision, channels, and content. 

Initial exploration of challenge through  conversations


We spoke for hours with VP of Global Design and Global SVP of Insights at VICE, as well as Gen Z and millennials worldwide to gain breadth and depth of perspective on our challenge.

Sensemaking & System Mapping


From Insights to Opportunity Areas

Embracing the spectrum​


Replacing outdated narratives of activism with new ones that unlock possibility; becoming a media pioneer in validating a spectrum of identities, self-exploration, and participation around social issues.

Reclaim the value of 'VOICES'


The collective power of VICE Voices molded into a two-way stimulus empowering GenZ to make a difference. VICE Voices building a monetizable structure to value young people speaking up



Creating safe spaces that facilitate sharing, learning, and belonging. VICE fully embracing the idea of community-led content creation to build culturally-relevant narratives around activism.


From Ideation & Prototyping to a Design Solution

The ideation process was one of zooming out and looking at various avenues that Vice can explore towards being a catalyst for hope within activism. 


When centering solutions around GenZ's Identity formation around activism, we established through extensive qualitative and quantitative research that our solution must support all degrees of activist action. We also observed the emerging need for a refreshed nomenclature to (re)define activism. 


Evolving from the ideation phase, the prototyping process was a testing ground for our ideas, including designing the methodology and execution of solutions. We used lo-fi prototypes to measure the engagement and impact of an array of solutions across different mediums. 

The proposed solution is a multi-touchpoint campaign that goes beyond activism to meet GenZ wherever they are.


This enables identity formation and empowers them to take action with the aim of building on Vice’s already successful infrastructure of content, collaboration, and creativity across various platforms.


The solution focuses on radical transparency to help instill users' trust in VICE.

Overview (2).png

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