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✺ Adaptive & Creative Thinking âœº Agile Methodology âœº Analogous Ideation & Thinking ✺ Brand Positioning & Strategy ✺ Brainstorming Techniques ✺ Business Model Canvas ✺ Co-creation ✺ Content Creation & Curation ✺ Content Strategy ✺ Content Writing ✺ Copywriting âœº Creative Writing âœº Cynefin Framework âœº Data Synthesis & Visualization âœº Data Visualization âœº Design Sprints âœº Design Thinking âœº Digital Marketing âœº Effort/Impact Matrix âœº Future Casting âœº Gamification âœº Graphic Design âœº Image Manipulation & Editing âœº Inclusive & Accessible Design âœº Information Architecture âœº Interaction design âœº Illustrating âœº Journey Mapping âœº Layout âœº Magazine Design âœº Market Research âœº Meadows 12 Levels of Intervention âœº Mixed Research âœº On-The-Go Phone Editing âœº Participatory Design âœº Persona Making âœº Photography âœº Print Design âœº Project Management âœº Psychological Safety Building âœº Sales & Fashion Consulting âœº Social Media Management âœº Storyboarding âœº Storytelling âœº Strategic Planning âœº Systems Thinking & Mapping âœº Team Management & Collaboration âœº Trend Analysis & Forecasting âœº Typography âœº User-Centered Experience âœº User Interview Design âœº Value Proposition Canvas âœº Website Copy âœº Writing 

Design Strategy

I provide actionable, evidence-based recommendations and develop holistic multi-channel experiences at the crossroads of human-centered insights and business objectives. I strive to drive innovation and shape the future through thoughtful, impactful design.

Hybrid Research

I combine in-depth qualitative exploration with quantitative data to better understand and effectively reframe problems. By gathering, analyzing, synthesizing, and reconfiguring insights, I uncover hidden opportunities and provide input for strategic decision-making.


Using the art of storytelling and my written and design language expertise, I transform ideas into compelling narratives and captivating visuals — whether it’s crafting brand identities that cast a lasting impression, articulating concepts with clarity for all stakeholders, or curating and creating content to engage and connect with an audience.

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P.S. I am open to work.

Thanks for reaching out!

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